Online Course Part 2

First two courses of the training finished, and I want to share my experience, feelings and thoughts about the courses. Firstly, in my opinion the most beneficial part of the courses is team project. During the course every week you work on a project. For the first two weeks projects are individual activity, later team works begin. Talking about the questions of the project with other students broaden my perspective. Even instructors mention about different ideas in the video part of the course or there are several approaches to topics in the written parts, it is not possible to ask further questions about their perspective to deeply understand another person’s view. However, while working as a team I can instantly and without any time limitation ask questions to my colleagues about their perspective. Moreover, since I need to support my opinions in team projects I feel more motivated to further elaborate my ideas and express them in an elegant way.

Secondly, I need to tell that during the course I realized one more time that worldwide popular companies are not have perfect processes or design and development techniques. In the courses there are several opportunities to connect with other participants via both polls and forums. I carefully follow the results and topics of these parts and saw that engineers from much known companies have similar problems, challenges and process with me. I believe that the only difference of my company or other companies like it is we has started working on this kind of engineering topics later than them. Since the technology changes rapidly we have chance to adopt new technologies faster and create better products.

Lastly I would like say that, not for specifically systems engineering topic but for in more general case, I feel happy just by learning new staff. Following a course feels me better just like reading a novel or watching a movie or visiting a museum. So, I hope to always learn about anything valuable.

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